
A Passion For Primates

A Passion For Primates

Along with our frequent news reports, we publish general informational pages that readers can use to glean important background information on some of the species we write about. We recently added a number of these reference pages, mostly about primates, which are a special interest of ours. Please have a look.

Monkey Watching its Face in the Mirror
Monkey Watching its Face in the Mirror

All About Primates

In recent days we’ve written an informational page on primates in general, along with separate pages on New World (South and Central America) monkeys, Old World (Africa and Asia) monkeys—and a separate page for each species of ape. We had originally intended to create one page that would cover all the apes, great and “lesser,” but found that there was just too much to say.

On these pages, we address the IUCN (threatened species) status of many of the animals, as well as answer such burning questions as, What’s the difference between a monkey and an ape? If you’d like to have a look, you would probably enjoy starting with the rainforest primates page.

Group of Monkeys Sitting On A Rock
Group of Monkeys Sitting On A Rock

Also, in case you missed our general page on the tiger subspecies as well as their (generally dire) conservation status.

Lastly, one of the terrific photographers we work with, Evan Hambrick, also runs a nice website called Animal Books. It’s definitely worth a browse. By the way, Evan’s recent photo for us was an excellent portrait photo of a mother and baby orangutan.

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